Advoq Digital

E-Comm – Real Talk from a Battle-Tested Entrepreneur!

E-Commerce – Where do I start?

Balancing my full-time marketing business at Advoq Digital, managing high-profile clients for growth, and on top of that, pouring my heart and soul into an E-commerce Apparel brand with my husband… Let’s just say, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve had a breather.

I mean, when was the last time I took a proper holiday? Or even just an afternoon off? It feels like forever. And it has been.

*Breathe, Regroup*

I am not trying to scare you away, but E-Commerce is not for the faint hearted. I am here for honesty and transparency. So if you’re up for the read, it will be a little longer than usual, and trust me I am here to help! 

Also I spent 14 months building a roadmap, but we will get into that later. 


We had an idea, the start of any great business model! And one thing I knew more than my husband, was that starting an e-commerce brand is like navigating a maze blindfolded, it’s thrilling, it’s terrifying, and it’s anything but straightforward. You dive in headfirst, fueled by passion and vision, but soon realise that building something from scratch isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.

No, it’s a rollercoaster of stress, uncertainty, and sleepless nights!

First off, let’s talk about funding. Unless you’ve got a pot of gold stashed under your mattress, or some sugar Mummy or Daddy ready to support your dreams, perhaps an actual investor who LOVES your idea straight off the cart? Chances are you’ll need some serious cash to get your e-commerce dream off the ground. And let me tell you, finding that cash isn’t easy. You’re scouring every nook and cranny, applying for loans, maybe even maxing out your credit cards, all in the name of turning your vision into reality.

But even if you do manage to secure funding, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Now comes the real fun, planning and execution!

You’re mapping out your brand’s identity, stressing over every logo, every color scheme, every little detail that sets you apart from the competition. And while you’re doing all that, the clock is ticking. Every day that goes by without your brand out there in the world is a missed opportunity. Or worse, someone comes up with the same idea and just gets off the ground quicker.

So you hustle. You work day and night, pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into making your brand a success. You’re juggling a million different tasks, sourcing products (Which can end up a money pit), setting up your website, nailing down your marketing strategy,  all while trying to keep your sanity intact. 

And let’s not even get started on the stress. Oh, the stress. It’s like a constant weight on your shoulders, whispering doubts and fears into your ear at every turn. What if it all goes belly up? What if nobody buys your products? What if you’re just wasting your time and money on a pipe dream?

But despite all the stress, all the uncertainty, you keep pushing forward. Because deep down, you know that this is what you were meant to do. You’ve got a fire burning inside you, driving you to succeed no matter what obstacles stand in your way.

So you roll up your sleeves, FOCUS and keep pushing. Because when you finally see your brand out there in the world, making waves and changing lives, all the stress and struggle will be worth it. Because at the end of the day, there’s nothing quite like the feeling of building something from nothing and watching it soar.

A question for you: 

Are you tired of spinning your wheels with “marketing guides” that promise the world but leave you feeling more lost than ever? Trust me, I’ve seen so many. That’s why I’m here to offer you something different, something real! A Supplemental Action Guide from a real Hustling B****. Let me tell you, it’s not your typical marketing spiel. This is real talk from someone who’s been in the trenches, scars and all, and come out on the top of that Entrepreneurial sh*t storm.  

So, who am I? Just a regular person like you, who’s faced the highs and lows of starting an E-Commerce business. I’ve seen it all, and now, after 15 years in the marketing world, I’m here to share what I’ve learned from my clients, and my own personal experiences, which was so much more difficult to express in words without tearing up. (Happy tears)

In this guide, there’s no fluff or filler. Just straight-up advice from someone who’s been there and done that. I’ll walk you through the hurdles, share tips for different industries, and dive into problem-solving with quant-based marketing. It worked for us, but it was a crazy journey and was no “click of a button fix”, you need to put in the work!

Starting a business is stressful, I know. But whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at it for years, this guide is for you. It’s like having a mentor by your side, guiding you through the ups and downs.

Now, the roadmap I mentioned above… It’s what you’ll be following throughout this guide. We’ll cover everything from setting goals to building a community distribution, and more. But don’t worry, I won’t hold you down with work. This whole mini course and roadmap is made for you to do when you have time, and is set into weeks! You’ll also have support from me the whole way through on our Discord group!

So if you’re ready to make waves in the world of marketing, join my newsletter to gain access when the course is live. 

With my Supplemental Action Guide, the sky’s the limit. The work has been mapped out, you just need to action it! 


One thought on “E-Comm – Real Talk from a Battle-Tested Entrepreneur!

  • Colette

    Cannot wait for this!! We have made 1 sale during our 3 month launch and I don’t understand what we are doing wrong. We hired a mentor who took our money and basically puts us on weekly calls asking how we are going with minimal advice. It’s incredible that people are willing to do that. Looking forward to your roadmap Advoq.

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